Create A Fundraiser

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Your Details

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Design Your Page

Accepts letters, numbers, periods, dashes and quotes
Minimum 600x400

We're so happy you've chosen to create a fundraising page!

Here are a few pointers to be sure you make the most of your page:

  1. Replace the default email address with your own.
  2. Use the default graphic or upload your own image. (That's why we included your team photo from your qualifying round in the email.)
  3. If you have a video, include it.
  4. Set your fundraiser deadline for Sept. 17 (or later).  The Arts Council will tally up your donations at noon on Sept. 17.  Donations made after that time will be accepted but will NOT count toward your Finals Mulligan Campaign.
  5. Sample verbiage for your page:
    We're one of 12 teams to make it to the Final Round of "Game of Cups" (a fundraising competition for the Decatur Area Arts Council) and we need your help for a chance to win it all.  We're asking you to make a donation to the Arts Council through this web page.  The three teams who raise the most money by Sept. 16 will get a special "do-over" opportunity during the Finals competition.  It will double our chance of winning.  Any donation you make will bring us closer to our dream of bringing home the Golden Cup Trophy.  Thanks!
  6. Once completed, share it with as many people as you can!